Basically this page contains useless stuff.....they're just some of my leftovers....


(Which would never gonna make it here, in the country)

urinating in the ocean is not polite
1.  Urine sencor detects when you urinate in sea water, causing harm to sea life. 


reach for  the sky!

2. In thethe event ofemergency evacuation, style points will be given according to style and artistic expression.

try to aim for the bowl please....

3. Please do not defecate our floor.

use the nerd exit
4. Nerds are encouraged to get the hell out of the aircraft.

Watchhaa !!! Geyt lost ladies...i'm doing the Karate

5.  Maintain your alertness with your kung-fu position while exiting the aircraft.


fart masks drop down in xase of fagulance

6. In case of an accidental anal gas release, masks will drop down from a little trap door in the ceiling. Kids  won't get any though, because they can suffer like the little brats that they are.

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